12:45 AM

Benefits from ion detoxification

Posted by haasil

Leaves you feeling renewed and balanced with improved energy.

Ongoing Benefits:

As you progress through a series you may experience many health benefits such as:

>Improved Blood Circulation, Normalizes Blood Pressure , Improves oxygen levels

>Significant Pain Relief (arthritis)—decreased joint stiffness

>Firmer, tighter skin-eliminates wrinkles, acne and other skin conditions

>Improved digestion can relieve

constipation and water retention

>Increased recovery time from injury or surgery

>Bolsters the Immune System

>Enhanced liver and kidney functions

>Increased Metabolism—reduces fat cells in the body

>Alleviates allergies (e.g.. Hay fever and Asthma)

>Parasite cleanse

>Balancing the body’s pH and electrical energy.

>Improving function of the organ systems.

>Improving muscle strength.

>Increasing range of motion.

>Neutralizing free radicals.

>Decreasing pain.

>More energy.


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