10:51 PM

Frequently Asked Question

Posted by haasil

01.Q:What does the water color change really mean?

1. A: Here is an excerpt (from the manufacturer) about the water color changes that might help you better understand what is happening:

When the water becomes excited it ejects these tiny particles, and they become visually observable in the water. This will tend to make the water look dirty brown. Of course, just how dirty the water becomes is related to how much sediment is in the actual water. When you test a bucket of water to see this principle (with no body parts in the water), how dirty it actually becomes will generally be the same each time you use a new bucket of water from the same source. If you were to run this test over and over again but with a different person's feet in the water each time, what happens to the water can be amazingly different. Sometimes the water will be dirtier, and sometimes cleaner. Without taking the individual whose feet are in the water into account; the whole color change seems completely random. But of course it is not. Only after a lot of observation do you begin to see what you already knew right from the start. It is the health of the person that plays the vital role in conjunction with the water. We have covered the flow of living energy in relation to the health of the person and the quality of the water, so have you worked out what's going on yet? In this instance, let's say you are using the same quality water for each Ion Cleanse treatment so we can understand what's happening in the water a little easier. The quality of the water we use also contains a little sediment so when we test it in a bucket it turns brown as opposed to light brown or dark brown; so it's about midway in browns when it comes to color change. If you were performing Ion Cleanse treatments, it is always a good thing to test a bucket of water to see what color it may go as a reference to help understand the color after a treatment.

Because everybody's ability to absorb energy is different, the reaction of the water is also going to be different. Remember, good health - better energy ability, poor health - not so good energy-wise. It is this factor that the water reacts to. Don't forget that the water is also wanting to keep some energy for itself, it desires energy just as much as you do. This means the energy created by the water is going to have to be shared by both you and the water. If you are in reasonable shape you're going to be able to get your fair share of energy, but if you're not so good you're only going to be able to absorb the amount your body can handle with the rest being kept by the water. This is where the battery principle once again comes into the equation. When your battery is damaged you can only absorb a small amount of energy. In this case the water gets to keep the energy for itself. The water can then use this energy to dislodge the sediment and clean itself. So people with poor health tend to have a water color after treatment that would be a dark brown. We also notice that if the person continued with the Ion Cleanse treatment that the water would become a lighter color as treatments progressed. On the other hand, if we treat a healthy person with the Ion Cleanse treatment, the water may only change to a very light brown because the healthy person can absorb their fair share of the energy produced by the water. In the end it comes down to a balancing act between the water and the person, taking into account how much energy the person can absorb and how much energy the water needs to dislodge its impurities. Of course, this is a simple explanation of the energy exchange. It can get a little more complicated because it also depends on how much energy your water quality can produce, it depends on whether your battery is damaged or just low. All these factors affect what happens during the treatment.

NOTE: While the color changes in the water can be dramatic, it is not the most important factor and one must be careful about making any judgments based only on the water color. Some waters do not change color and it is not always an indicator of whether energy is being produced The best indicator that may be found in the water after a treatment would be an oily substance located on the container at water level. It generally contains materials released from the outer layers of the skin. Another indicator after treatment can be found in the color change in the urine of the individual treated. Body function is increased which results in the darker coloring of the urine. A darker coloring of urine can also be seen after eating because the body is processing waste materials, after a treatment even though no food has been consumed the extra energy seems to activate waste product or toxin removal evident by it presence in the urine.

Many different colors and objects may appear in the water during a treatment: yellow-green, orange, brown, black, dark green, white foam, white cheeselike particles, black flecks, red flecks, bubbles of differing colors, brown particles.

02.Q:What is the significance of each color?

Believe it or not, it is important to eat a variety of colorful foods in order to assure balanced chemistry. Every color is a chemical and has a chemical value. Chemical components of foods contribute to their acid-alkaline balance. As a general rule, Green Foods nourish the immune system, especially the liver and gall bladder. Red Foods nourish the endocrine system, including the pituitary gland, as well as the heart and small intestines. Orange Foods nourish the joints. Yellow Foods nourish the digestive system, including the spleen, stomach, and pancreas. Yellow-green foods nourish the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, female/prostate area..Brown Foods nourish the liver. White Foods nourish the respiratory system, namely the lungs, but also the large intestines, lymphatic system and skin. Black Foods nourish the circulatory system, kidneys, liver, gallbladder and bladder. White foam indicates mucous from lymph. White cheese like particles indicates probable yeast. Black flecks indicate heavy metals. Red flecks indicate blood clot material.

By the same token, when the water is changing colors, each color represents the part of the body that is being detoxified. One of the most visual effects is the discoloration of the water, but while the color changes in the water can be dramatic, it is not the most important factor and one must be careful about making any judgment's based only on the water color.

Some people claim that what you see in the water are toxins being drawn right out of your body, but most of what you see happening with the water is related directly to the water being used. You can easily test this for yourself, if you have the opportunity to run the Ion Cleanse in a container of water, with no body parts in the water. You will probably see a pretty dramatic color change take place - although some waters do not change color, (even with feet in the water). The person using the water does influence what the water will look like as well, so that even using the same water source, the way the water looks can vary greatly among individuals.

The Ion Cleanse is energy medicine, and I believe that we see the most benefit and detox AFTER a session C not necessarily during a foot bath. When the body is better balanced and charged, the body will be better able to detoxify through its regular channels of detoxification. (such as the kidneys, colon, liver).

Water, salt and the metal in the unit interact with each other to produce ions. These ions will neutralize everything they come in contact with including toxins that are in tap and filtered water. Depending on geographical location, approximately 20-40% of what you see in the water comes from the junk in the water, and the remaining 60-80% comes from the client's body. The degree of detoxification will be reflected in symptomatic improvement, not water color change. Some waters do not change color [this has to do with the geographical region] and it is not always an indicator of whether energy is being produced. In some geographical regions, water may even change color without any body parts present in the water. The water color change without body parts has to do with the combination of industrial and chemical pollutants common to those areas.

Note about salt:

Generally, one does need to add salt to the water in order for it to be conductive enough. Some waters don't need it. The way you know if you need to add salt to the water is to check the power meter. If the output reads lower than 1 ? you need to add salt to boost conductivity. Just a little at a time, and stir, and read the meter again. If you add too much, and it goes above 2 1/2, then toss the water and start over. If the meter goes above 2 1/2 without any salt added, then one can lower the output by turning the power control slowly clockwise until the output goes to 2 1/2 or below.

Darkfield studies have shown the machine improves oxygen levels. The following live blood cell analysis pictures on the left are photos of the blood before a thirty-five minute Ion cleanse machine foot soak. Amazingly, the photo on the right is the same blood 35 minutes later



04.Q.How can I tell where the metal is coming from?

A.Sometimes you cannot tell where the metal is coming from. However, when there are many black flecks in the water (over 20), you can be fairly certain they came out of the parient's body. We have a number of laboratory reports on this website that show before and after changes in metal levels. Go to home page and check that link

05.Q.What diseases or conditions can I treat with the IonCleanse?

A.The IonCleanse does not heal or cure disease or any condition. It pulls toxins out of the body. If your patient's problem is caused by a toxic buildup that the ionCleanse dissolves, it may be diminished by the detoxification, but certainly not cured. Do not make claims because results are unpredictable. Frequent detoxification with the ionCleanse gives people a greater sense of wellbeing and helps them to feel better

06.Q.The IonCleanse unit changes the water color without any feet in the water. Why?

A.Water, salt and the metal in the unit interact with each other to produce ions. These ions will neutralize everything they come in contact with including toxins that are in tap and filtered water. Depending on geographical location, approximately 20-40% of what you see in the water comes from the junk in the water, and the remaining 60-80% comes from the client's body.

07.Q.Are their different protocols for different conditions. Do I work differently with peripheral neuropathy than osteoarthritis?

A.Yes, but remember we are talking about detoxification and balancing meridians. A patient with peripheral neuropathy has greatly impaired nerve and circulatory function. It will take much longer to detox him/her than someone with OA, but detoxing them will make them more comfortable and possibly slow the progression of their disease. Some OA sufferers may experience immediate relief especially if they are willing to make lifestyle and dietary changes.

08.Q.What is regional toxicity and how does it apply to the color of the water?

A.The water color in Boise, Idaho without feet is a yellow-green. The water color in Denver without feet is orange. These colors result from the combination of industrial and chemical pollutants common to those areas. Each city has its own peculiar toxicity, and the color of that toxicity pervades the water we drink, cook and bathe in and the air we breathe. Your patients' internal toxic makeup will tend to resemble the toxicity of the local area.

09.Q.Can I bathe patients that are on allopathic medications?

A.The ionCleanse has been shown to lower medication levels in the blood, causing the symptoms related to those medications to intensify. You cannot detox anyone who is on life sustaining medication - pacemakers or heartbeat regulating medication, mental health medication other than mild depression. While everyone can be helped by detoxification, patients on allopathic medication are not your responsibility. When in doubt, consult with their physician.


Individuals Who Should Not Use the Machine

Note from Aok

Ion Cleanse should not be used by individuals who are epileptic or hemophiliac,

or those with a pacemaker, implanted organs or on blood thinners.

It should also not be used by children under age 4, or during pregnancy or lactation.

This product is not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Therefore, these statements contained herein are for informational purposes only.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Aqua Chi makes no medical claims and makes no statements of validation.

Always consult with your professional Health Care provider before beginning any health regimen.

10.Q:Can I Have a Treatment Every Day?

The manufacturers recommend once or twice weekly treatments. For those suffering from illnesses, the frequency should be reduced. This is because, for those who are unwell, their bodies go into "healing" mode after treatment, during which they may feel tired or lethargic.

In our experience most people feel lethargic immediately afterwards, and feel the benefits over the following days. Some time is required for the body to fully recover, and a follow-up treatment should not be given for a few days, or until they feel fully recovered.

11.Q:How Long Should I Have a Treatment For?

In an adult body, the cycle of blood takes approximately 20 minutes for one complete cycle. Therefore, to stay on the machine for less than 20 minutes would not be harmful in any way, but would not be beneficial either.

This cycle is considerably less for children, and the recommended treatment times refelct this. Adults should have the full 30 minutes, children 15 minutes. It should not be used on children under the age of 5.

12.Q:Do you have proof of what.......

The machine does not cure anything. It is simply a machine which enables your body to re-balance its bio-energetic fields which stimulates self-detoxification. When the electro-magnetic fields are balanced, the body's organs wil naturally function better.

13.Q:Is the Colour of the Water Significant?

In our experience, the colour varies from person to person. However, people have indicated that the effects are a more beneficial indicator of the detox they have received, and go on to book further treatments.

14.Q:Will the Colour of the Water Change if I Run the Unit Without Feet?

The array is designed to erode. This is like a pencil - if it did not wear out, it would not work. No diagnoses should be made visually via the colours for this reason as part of the colour change is due to the erosion of the array. Also as normal tap water contains many toxins and chemicals, the array will also "detox" the water.

15.Q:What Improvements Could I Notice?

It may improve:

Liver and kidney function
General circulation and metabolism
Headaches and Migraines
Skin problems
Mercury and heavy metal toxification
Well being and balance of the whole body
Menstrual Pain
The treatment can be used in conjuction with detox diet plans.

After a Treatment, Will I Be Restricted in My Activities?

No, you can go about your daily business as usual. The most common side effect we have experienced is that you may feel tired directly after the treatment and feel the benefits over the next few days.

16.Q:How Long Can the Effects Last?

Results depend upon your lifestyle. We recommend an initial course of 5-7 (once or twice a week) - no more than twice a week - then a top up sessions once a month or once every 3 months.

17.Q:Will I Need Special Training?

In our opinion, no special training is required to operate any of these systems.
Full instructions are supplied with each unit. There are certain organisations who offer "Training" however, we believe this is not necessary.

These units are sold to private households and individuals as well as Medical Practitioners.
The only requirement that you may need if you are using the unit on clients is public liability insurance. This is considered a low risk treatment.

If you require any further information or have questions, we can offer independent advice from our own experiences as we are a clinic ourselves.

We offer full after sales service and advice.

18.Q:Is There Anyone That Cannot Have The Treatment?

The Detox Foot Spa Treatment is safe for most people, however the following cannot have the Detox Treatment:
Persons with a pacemaker
During pregnancy (or suspected pregnancy)
Persons with implanted organs
Persons with epilepsy
Persons currently undergoing any form of radiotherapy or chemotherapy
Persons with type 1 Diabetes
Persons with open wounds on their feet

19.Q:How long do the arrays last?

Please note that some companies will claim that this array will last longer than 40 uses (about 20hours). In our experience this is not the case and will result in only rust being created, and no actual detox taking place.


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